The SomnoMed MAS™ is a Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS) that treats snoring and mild to moderate OSA by moving the lower jaw forward slightly. This forward movement tightens the soft tissue and muscles of the upper airway, which prevents obstruction of the airway while you sleep. The tightening created by the device also prevents the tissues of the upper airway from vibrating as air passes over them – the most common cause of loud snoring.
The SomnoMed MAS™ is a custom-made device, consisting of upper and lower dental plates with a unique patented fin-coupling component, which allows normal mouth opening and closing. The device is adjustable which improves the efficacy and comfort level of treatment, as the jaw is moved only as far as is required to alleviate the condition. The SomnoMed MAS™ design has a number of key features that are significant improvements on existing MAS oral appliances. These improvements make the device both comfortable and effective.
The SomnoMed MAS™ is a highly effective solution for the majority of patients with mild to moderate OSA who prefer oral Somnomedappliances to CPAP therapy, who do not respond to, are not appropriate candidates for, or fail CPAP treatment attempts. Our exceptional levels of patient acceptance, compliance, and treatment efficacy of the SomnoMed MAS™ are backed by a large body of clinical research. In clinical studies 91% of patients reported substantial improvement in sleep quality, 87.5% of patients reported nightly use, and 96% of patients stated they would like to continue to use the SomnoMed MAS™. The SomnoMed MAS™ moves the lower jaw forward slightly which tightens the soft tissues and muscles of the upper airway, preventing obstruction during sleep. The tightening also prevents tissues of the upper airway from vibrating as air passes over them.